Branding Phase 1

Design SystemsKCAILearning

September 12th, 2012 • 12:35am

Technology is evolving at a very rapid pace. Luckily, humans are able to adapt to this change because we drive it forward. We use technology to enhance our lives and we improve what it can do for us. This symbiotic relationship between us and our tools is becoming very interesting. It is paving the way  Read More

The First Step is Giving a Shit, Then You Do the Hokey-Pokey

KCAILearningRead&RespondVisual Advocacy

September 10th, 2012 • 11:45am

Design with Intent User-centered design is a method of designing for function and ease-of-use before anything else. The problem with this is that the designers involved are encouraged to not impose their biases onto the design process. This ties in with what we’ve already been talking about in class, which is whether it’s appropriate or  Read More

Rosedale Middle School Audience

KCAILearningVisual Advocacy

September 9th, 2012 • 4:51pm

Problem/Question: How can we lower the obesity rate among Rosedale Middle School students? Audience: Middle-school-age kids (from 11–13 years old) in Rosedale. They know the basic facts of nutrition and exercise, but they are not ready to implement the knowledge they have been given. Facts: 51% of kids in Rosedale are obese. Average income is  Read More

Social Dissent and Graphic Propaganda

KCAILearningRead&RespondVisual Advocacy

August 27th, 2012 • 12:43pm

One of the reasons why I love graphic design is because we have the ability to voice our opinions through our unique means of communicating. We are experts at representing a concept with something visual or usable. Dissent is the force that drives this intense visual design. When people disagree, their opinions intensify. This tension  Read More


KCAILearningMultimedia Experience

August 27th, 2012 • 8:17am

Humans are social beings. We’re hard-wired to lean on each other and form alliances. I belong to several groups, and the dynamics are all very different. My studiomates are our own little micro-community of friends. We do more than just get along. We have this unspoken bond, and we genuinely care about each other. My  Read More

The Stuff of Growth

Find&ShareKCAILearningMultimedia ExperienceRead&Respond

August 24th, 2012 • 12:47am

1: Makeup Tutorial I’ve learned that one’s appearance as a teenage girl in high school or college is very important. However, as a jaded mid-20-something-year-old who’s been in college entirely too long, I choose to rock my dreadlocks and pseudo-professional attire in lieu of sweatpants, a messy bun, and a shit-ton of eye makeup. That’s  Read More